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BHI Publications > The New England Primer of 1777
The New England Primer of 1777

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Prod. Code: Out of Print

Edited by Gary and Wanda Sanseri. Reprint of the 1777 classic which helped produce a high level of literate, self-taught citizens who valued righteousness and liberty. The wide spread circulation of primers in America during the colonial period helped produce a high level of literate self taught citizens. Features that made The New England Primer the most popular reader of its day included the use of the alphabet to teach letter sounds, syllabary and the use of Christian material. The Primer also made ample use of poetry in reading instruction. Gary and Wanda did some careful editing to meet current grammar and spelling rules. Wanda also added a selection of easy reading selections made up of beginning spelling words in SWR. The primer was widely used for over a hundred and fifty years. Even today, many use this book as a first reader. Below you can see two sample pages from the book. First is one of the nine reading selections that Wanda Sanseri added to expand the book. Each selection has a matching Bible verse. Next is a famous portion from the original primer: the ABC's taught with rhyme and illustrated with enduring woodcut drawings. Beautiful, hard cover edition retypeset in larger print and formatted for modern readers. A BHI Publication